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Method Statement: Ride-on-Mower

Staff or volunteers employed in these tasks on behalf of the local council need to apply their training, manufacturers instructions and the outcome of any risk assessment before undertaking work.  The following method statement is to be seen as general advice only.

West Berkshire operates a street works permit scheme and anyone carrying out works in the road will legally need to apply to West Berkshire Council for permission, in advance of the works.

All works on the public highway must comply with the signing, lighting and guarding requirements of Section 65 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991.

Any traffic management requirements, including any Portable Light Signals, must be applied for with the permit for the works, giving at least seven days notice, unless of an emergency nature, and including a legible plan depicting each layout and sent to the Streetworks Team.

Resources for Activity

  • ride-on-mower

Recommended Work Sequence 

  1. All operatives using Ride-on-Mowers must be trained on their safe operation and have an operator's manual to refer to for use and maintenance purposes.
  2. All operatives to wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment, ie safety boots, gloves, hard hat, visor, goggles, ear defenders, long sleeved high visibility clothing (waterproof as required).
  3. Appropriate hearing protection must also be worn.
  4. All machines must have safety checks carried out before use and defects reported to your supervisor before leaving the yard and all must be fuelled prior to start of works.
  5. Machinery must not be used where there are safety guards missing or damaged and any fuel leaks must be reported immediately to your supervisor.
  6. Traffic Management to be set up in accordance with procedures set out in the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991, Chapter 8.
  7. Check the area to be mown and remove any objects that could damage the blades or have the potential to become a projectile whilst mowing.
  8. Remove any litter in the area before cutting grass.
  9. Blow off hard surfaces after grass cutting.
  10. Ensure operator is aware of any raised iron work such as manhole covers and be especially vigilant towards surface mounted cables.
  11. Awareness of pedestrians, cyclists and other road users must be of the highest priority during any mowing operation and where members of the public could be at risk the operation must cease until it can be assessed as safe to continue.
  12. All works must be carried out in daylight hours.
  13. Care must be taken when taking Ride-on-Mowers on and off of trailers. Use only trained competent operatives.
  14. Care must be taken when using the Ride-on-Mowers should they start to throw up a lot of debris. Stop and check area and rake out any surplus loose materials.
  15. Ride-on-Mowers should be used for cutting large areas of grass and must be cut in line with the flow of the traffic.
  16. On all other mowers, check the manufacturer's recommendations for safe gradients and do not exceed these.

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