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Natural Solutions Delivery Partnership

A partnership set up to develop how to use natural solutions within West Berkshire to enhance biodiversity and capture carbon

wildflower bee
The West Berkshire Council Environment Strategy outlines the steps we intend to take with our partners to reach our target of carbon neutrality by 2030. A part of this process was setting up the Natural Solutions Delivery Partnership. The vision of the partnership is to establish how to best manage the use of nature to ensure a balance between:

  • climate change resilience
  • carbon capture
  • biodiversity
  • food production
  • water quality
  • soil quality

We hope to establish a coordinated approach for utilising funding from biodiversity net gain, nutrient neutrality and carbon sequestration. This will need to evolve and develop as government guidance is released and updated.

A nature-based spatial plan will be developed to support the work of the partnership. The spatial plan will assist us to identify what to do and where across the district. This should be particularly useful for project development and decision- making.

The organisations within the informal partnership have an important role by coming together to plan, support each other, share national and local developments and form a coordinated approach. The partnership consist of the following organisations:

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