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Search results
Waste and Recycling Waste Recycling Centre - Opening Hours Did you know that weekday opening hours for our two Household Waste Recycling Centres have changed? They will n...
Learner Achievement Awards's never too late to try something new Do you ever wish you could change direction, do something else, try a new career - or just enjoy learning? Do you tell ...
Northcroft Lido for first full summer season. Bathing suits at the ready! Our fabulous Northcroft Lido is open for its first full season following a £5 million refurbishme...
Our spending plans for 2024/2025 you know that the council tax you pay helps to fund more than 700 services across the district? This year we will be spending £174m delivering these service...
Free NHS Health Checks - have you had yours? new outreach service has been commissioned to boost take-up of free NHS Health Checks. The NHS Health Check provides you with a free check up of your overall ...
Find the hidden treasures of Newbury with Disco Dragons you seen our Disco Dragons treasure map? It's a fun way to explore and learn more about the historic town of Newbury. The creative ideas for the map came f...
Delivering affordable accommodation year, 275 new affordable homes were delivered across West Berkshire. Affordable housing is housing for sale or rent for people whose needs are not met by t...
Your favourite books delivered to your home you find it difficult to visit your local library, because of age, disability, or any other special circumstance, we may be able to come to you. Our 25 dedic...
Could you volunteer at West Berkshire Council? you looking for ways to get more involved with your local community? West Berkshire Council has a range of opportunities to volunteer with us regardless of ...
Ukraine Family Scheme about Ukraine Family Scheme that allows applicants to join family members in the UK.