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  • Registering a Birth

    You must register a birth in the district in which the birth took place within 42 days (6 weeks).

  • Giving Legal Notice of Marriage or Civil Partnership

    How to give notice of a marriage or civil partnership in West Berkshire.

  • Ermin Street Stables Injunction

    West Berkshire Council were successfully granted an interim injunction against landowners in Lambourn Woodlands at a site known as Ermin Street Stables on Thurs...

  • Landscape Character Assessments (LCA)

    Landscape character and its sensitivity to future development.

  • Health and Wellbeing Board Annual Conference

    Health and Wellbeing Conference - April 2024 This year's conference was themed around 'Primary Care and Community Outreach'. It sought to respond to issues that...

  • Mental Health Awareness Week

    Mental Health Awareness Week takes place every year in May and it's a chance to focus on what we can all do to have a good mental health and wellbeing.

  • Speech and language therapy

    Children who appear to have significant difficulties eating and drinking may be eligible for Speech and Language Therapy.

  • Paediatrician

    Children with a range of childhood disabilities and disorders.

  • NASEN Guidance for Settings

  • Dingley's Promise

    A specialist nursery for children with SEND

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