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Appealing against a School Admission Decision

How to appeal against a school admission decision.

If your child hasn't been offered a place at the school of your choice, you have the right to appeal against the decision.

Our Icon for pdf Guide to Admission Appeals [51KB]  explains how the appeal process works and what you can expect if you decide to appeal.

Submitting your appeal

Use our online appeal form as soon as possible after receiving the decision that your child has not been offered a place.

You're allowed a minimum of 20 school days to submit an appeal. The notification of the decision you receive will tell you what the deadline for appeal will be. You can still provide additional supporting information after the appeal form has been submitted but needs to be sent before the hearing takes place.

When the appeal hearing will be

Once your appeal form has been received, it will be acknowledged as soon as possible and arrangements will be put in place for an independent appeals panel to hear your appeal.

You'll be given 10 school days notice of the date, time and location of the appeal hearing. You will also be sent a statement from West Berkshire Council or the school's governing body (depending on who the admission authority for the school is) and any other information or documents relating to your appeal.

The timetable below outlines when your appeal may take place if an appeal is logged during this years round of admissions:

Appeal typeNational Offer dayDeadline for lodging appealAppeals will be heard in
Year 7 appeals for September 20241 March 202430 March 2024May to mid to June 2024
Reception appeals for September 202416 April 202416 May 2024June and July 2024

What happens at the appeal hearing

The appeals panel will meet and consider your appeal. You'll be able to attend and present your case to the panel, and they will let you know about the outcome within 5 school days.

There is no right of appeal against the appeals panel's decision. However, if you consider that the appeals procedure has not been carried out properly, you can complain to the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO). You can read more about Local Government Ombudsman school admissions complaints, here.




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