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Placemaking Strategies for Thatcham and Hungerford town centres

Have your say

Consultation status Archived
Start date: 2022-12-05
End date: 2023-01-09
Results 2023-03-25
Hungerford Town Centre
Thatcham Town Centre

Activity closed. Results published.


In 2020, we commissioned Hemingway Design to undertake a Newbury Masterplan Study and public consultation to help us achieve . Icon for pdf You can view the final version of the Newbury Masterplan online [11MB] .

We're continuing our programme of work which aims to protect and enhance high streets and town centres in the district, and have again commissioned Hemingway Design to assist us with developing Placemaking Strategies for both Hungerford and Thatcham town centres.

A Placemaking Strategy is intended to celebrate the local features, community assets, and inherent potential of a location, amplifying its unique character. This can help to produce a consistent brand identity that can be marketed and used to attract visitors and businesses. The strategies for both town centres will include a range of visual plans, with proposals that aim to enhance their vitality and economic resilience of the area in the future.

Before a strategy can be developed, we need to carry out studies to understand the economic, spatial, environmental and historic values of the areas. We've already begun gathering views through town centre walkabouts in Hungerford and Thatcham with stakeholders, such as town councillors, district councillors, and local business representatives. We also held town centre visioning workshops in November 2022. We'd now like to know what you think too.

Why we want your views

By hearing from local people, we can understand your experience, views, and ideas about the areas you live, work and visit. This will help us create strategies, which will support the development and evolution of both Hungerford and Thatcham town centres, and provide greater opportunities for securing funding for central government, and other bodies.

How to take part

If you'd like to take part, please complete our survey by midnight on Monday, 9 January 2023; it should take about 10 minutes. You can answer the survey for either or both of the towns via the same link.

Please email if you have any queries about the survey.

For general queries about our work programme to protect and enhance the districts town centres, please visit our town centres webpage.

What happens next

Your feedback will be taken into consideration and used to develop the final Placemaking Strategies, which we aim to complete by the beginning of March 2023. Once the strategies have been finalised, we'll work with Hungerford and Thatcham Town Councils, business, residents, community groups, and other stakeholders to take the proposals forward. You'll be able to view the final strategies, and keep up to date with our progress on our town centres webpage.

What you told us

We would like to thank everyone who took part in the consultation. We received a total of 1,705 responses to the online survey. In addition, we would also like to thank others who have emailed us with many suggestions and questions in relation to the survey. Your contributions are what create and drive this project forward and develop the placemaking strategies for each town.

The feedback received so far from public and stakeholder engagement in both Hungerford and Thatcham identify car parking improvements, making town centres more walkable and access friendly, improved wayfinding etc. whilst emphasising each towns potential and unique character.

For any queries, please contact

What we did

We hosted follow-up Visioning Workshops in both towns with Town Councillors with representatives of businesses, schools, community groups, and other stakeholders to take the proposals forward.

The purpose of these second Visioning Workshops was to present the findings from the survey and to have the workshop attendees share and discuss their thoughts once again on priorities and further improvements in their town centres.

The detailed feedback was integrated into the strategy development process and the key improvements being put forward for further development in collaboration with local communities include:

In Hungerford:

  1. Creating a new ‘town square’ outside the Town Hall that could be used for markets and events.
  2. Creating spill-out space for businesses on the High Street.
  3. Improving pedestrian connections.

In Thatcham:

  1. Full or partial pedestrianisation of The Broadway.
  2. The creation of a ‘Community Hub’, and improvements to the gateways to the town centre.
  3. Physical changes to the A4 to lower traffic speeds.

You can find more detail on the proposed changes in the Town Centre Strategies for Hungerford and Thatcham, which are due to be considered by elected Members at the Executive Meeting on Thursday, 23 March. 

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