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Search results
The Virtual School: previously looked after children support for previously looked after children in West Berkshire.
Devolved BSOG - Annual Outputs Report 2023-24 (Adobe pdf files);#23;"%#24;#4*$#25;#4;(%#4;6#26; 4&.'7#27;*(#4;)* ).#4;4+#0; #4;,8#4;#0;-)#2;*.(#4; ./)#3;,0#24;(0#4;#4;9'#5; ,/#4;-(#16;.#6;1'01 )#7;/*#8; 2, . (#4;#27;'...
Summary of representations on the Hermitage NDP submitted to the Examiner (Adobe pdf files) OF REPRESENTATIONS ON THE HERMITAGE NDP SUBMITTED TO THE EXAMINER Summary of representations on the Hermitage NDP submitted to the Examiner Summary of r...
Englefield Church of England Primary School reported problems
Your Home Emergency Plan (Adobe pdf files) Home Emergency Plan Being prepared and writing down some important information now, can help you be more ready for an emergency if it were to occur, and ca...
Therapeutic Approaches schools to begin their Therapeutic Approaches journey they must first train either the Head Teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team to become a Th...
Garden Waste Collection: Your Questions Answered asked questions about our Garden Waste Collection service.
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Local Offer Local Offer sets out provision which is available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), aged 0 to 25, includ...
Local Offer: education and learning and young people who have a special educational need and/or disability (SEND) may need some additional help in order to achieve their full potential. C...
Nature for Health is based part-time at the historic Shaw House, where she tends to the Community Garden with support from local volunteers.