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Rural Issues Community Forum second Community Forum was held on 5 December
Small changes for your home (Adobe pdf files) changes you can make in your home a greener West Berkshire Every little effort helps to fight climate change and reach carbon neutrality. Here are some af...
New investment for West Berkshire's rural communities rural businesses can access additional funding We're pleased to announce that West Berkshire's Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) business grant scheme ...
Area Delivery Plan Policy 1 - Spatial Strategy (Adobe pdf files) Strategy in sections for new website West Berkshire Council: Adopted July 2012 19 The Spatial Strategy 4 Section 4 The Spatial Strategy Introduction The Sp...
Veolia's Orchard project is a blossoming success! seeds of excitement in schools across West Berkshire Last June, our waste contractor Veolia launched something special called the Veolia Orchard campai...
CD6.6 WBC Suggested Conditions (Adobe pdf files) Conditions Appeal Ref: APP/W0340/W/23/3329567 - 21/02710/FUL - Site: Pitchkettle Farm Goodboys Lane, RG7 1ND Proposal: Change of use and extension of ...
CD7.1 CS Policy ADPP1 (Adobe pdf files) Strategy in sections for new website West Berkshire Council: Adopted July 2012 19 The Spatial Strategy 4 Section 4 The Spatial Strategy Introduction The Sp...
Assessing the impact of planning applications on highways and transport infrastructure we assess and manage the impact any planning applications and new developments might have on the nearby highways and traffic systems.
Draft Local Transport Plan (LTP4) Strategy 2024-2039 your say on our draft priorities and objectives
Draft Local Transport Plan (LTP4) Strategy 2024-2039 (February 2023) (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council – Draft Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) Strategy 2024-2039 Local Transport Plan 4 Strategy Document (2024-2039) Consultation Draft - Februa...