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The Pathways of your mind By Julian Barker thoughts are pathways in the mind. Well-trodden pathways are easy to continue along. We know their way. We know their destination. If that is not a good pla...
When did I become so scared? by Anita Campbell'm trying to puzzle it out. When was it that I began to be so scared? Somehow or other I'm suddenly frightened of everything. I'm scared of driving in strange ...
Take Control By Brenda Clark your desire to inhabit a place if it's crowded and noisy decide your pace Ask yourself if you need more stuff the possessions you have may be enough Ke...
Addicts vs Depressives by Martin Colston team strips Just awareness Personal and shared Goals too Big goals with narrow posts Unusual posts Three croquet hoops One bewigged And a black rucks...
Flatlined by Carol Healey Just flatlined Out of my mind Peace hard to find Flatlined Just flatlined Full of disdain Mind full of pain. Flatlined No feelings no fight Hung on to...
Three Steps Away by Pam Holbrook numbs my body; alcohol and drugs numb my mind. I live to be unconscious, for to be conscious is to live in hell. I am invisible. I am the reflection no o...
The Beast That Lives Within by Mike Raynor to a Mother, who I hardly knew. But deep inside your influence grew. A strong will to achieve, to fight, and to care. A love of a good drink, and Fun for a...
The Lark by Jane Windsor! Swift-feathered wings, how they soar, how they climb Their journey goes on through the mists of the sky Forever they drift into epochs of time To sing to the...
Is it Enough? by Jane Windsor, like golden liquid pours A splash of light, the spirit soars Each breath, each rustle of the dawn Is it enough when hearts are worn? For birds who soa...
Up On The Downs by Ray French on the downs he run he run, Up on the downs he run. He run as fast as he can, he can He run as fast as he can. Up on the downs he dream he dream, Up on the d...