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Domestic Homicide Reviews about Domestic homicide reviews (DHRs) and existing DHR documents.
Community Training Opportunities Abuse Champion and awareness training
Method Statement: Works on Verges or volunteers employed in these tasks on behalf of the local council need to apply their training, manufacturers instructions and the outcome of any risk ...
Method Statement: Hedge Cutting or volunteers employed in these tasks on behalf of the local council need to apply their training, manufacturers instructions and the outcome of any risk ...
Method Statement: Use of a Chainsaw or volunteers employed in these tasks on behalf of the local council need to apply their training, manufacturers instructions and the outcome of any risk ...
Method Statement: Ride-on-Mower or volunteers employed in these tasks on behalf of the local council need to apply their training, manufacturers instructions and the outcome of any risk ...
Method Statement: Scrub, Hedge and Tree Cutting or volunteers employed in these tasks on behalf of the local council need to apply their training, manufacturers instructions and the outcome of any risk ...
Method Statement: Chipper or volunteers employed in these tasks on behalf of the local council need to apply their training, manufacturer's instructions and the outcome of any risk...
Method Statement: Sign Cleaning or volunteers employed in these tasks on behalf of the local council need to apply their training, manufacturers instructions and the outcome of any risk ...
Method Statement: Drainage Maintenance or volunteers employed in these tasks on behalf of the local council need to apply their training, manufacturers instructions and the outcome of any risk ...