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Environment Strategy Draft Delivery Plan (March 2021) (Excel documents) Welcome to West Berkshire's Environment Strategy Draft Delivery Plan. This plan sets out the activities and actions that the Council along with its...
Draft Cultural and Heritage Strategy 2020-2030 (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Cultural Heritage Strategy 2020-2030 Consultation Draft z Photo credit Alex Harvey-Brown The Hound of the Baskervilles in the Watermill Theatre G...
Restructure funding for Adult Social Care transport services consultation (Nov 2023) - EqIA stage one (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council – Budget Proposal 2024/25 Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) - Stage One What is the proposed decision that you are asking the Executive t...
Restructure Adult Social Care care-home charges consultation (Nov 2023) - EqIA stage one (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council – Budget Proposal 2024/25 Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) - Stage One What is the proposed decision that you are asking the Executive t...
Close or find an alternative provider to run Willows Edge Care Home consultation (Nov 2023) - EqIA stage one (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council – Budget Proposal 2024/25 Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) - Stage One What is the proposed decision that you are asking the Executive t...
Restructure parking fees and charges consultation (Nov 2023) - EqIA stage one (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council – Budget Proposal 2024/25 Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) - Stage One What is the proposed decision that you are asking the Executive t...
Draft Parking Strategy 2024-2034 for consultation (October 2023) (Adobe pdf files) Policy West Berkshire Council Parking Strategy 2024-2034 Contents Foreword ...............................................................................
Draft Carers Strategy 2024-2027 for consultation - summary page (October 2024) (Adobe pdf files) The Vision and Purpose of the Draft Carers Strategy 2024-27: This strategy explains how adult social care and partner organisations will work together t...
Draft Council Strategy 2023-2027 (January 2023) (Adobe pdf files) Council Strategy 2023-2027 Forward Together For Consultation (January 2023) 1 West Berkshire Council – Draft Council Strategy 2023-2027 for Consultation (...
WBC Draft SEND Strategy 2023-2028 for Consultation - Full version (Adobe pdf files) Strategy 2023-2028 1 SEND Strategy - Draft 2023-2028 West Berkshire Council DR AF T 2 SEND Strategy 2023-2028 Foreword from the West Berkshire SEND Partner...