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Approved Suppliers to West Berkshire Council on our suppliers and tendering process
Pollution - Industrial Processes for industrial activities that may cause air pollution.
Bond Riverside (London Road Industrial Estate) Regeneration Programme plans for the area adjacent to Newbury town centre.
The Procurement Act 2023 for suppliers.
Funding Bids and Levelling Up about funding scheme for economic growth in West Berkshire.
Economic Development Strategy ambitious plans to support the West Berkshire economy.
Environment Strategy Annual Progress Report (July 2022- July 2023) (Adobe pdf files) Strategy Annual Progress Report (July 2022- July 2023) Foreword The Climate change and ecological emergencies continue to be one of the largest chal...
Environment Strategy Delivery Plan (PDF) (Adobe pdf files) West Berkshire's Environment Strategy Delivery Plan This plan sets out the activities and actions that the Council along with its partners will undertake to ...
Environment Strategy Delivery Plan (Excel) (Excel documents) Welcome to West Berkshire's Environment Strategy Delivery Plan. This plan sets out the activities and actions that the Council along with its partn...
Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) Strategy (Adobe pdf files) STRATEGY 1 Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Strategy 2 ULEV STRATEGY Foreword 3 1. Executive Summary 4 2. Introduction 6 3. Why encourage ULEVs 7 4. Overview of ...