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CD4.21 Public Representations 1-38 (Adobe pdf files) Sent: 26 February 2022 20:41 To: Planapps Subject:
Planning Applica�on - 22/00244/FULEXT Categories: SmartSaved This is an EXTERNAL EMAIL... -
CD14.10 Name Withheld -Redacted (Adobe pdf files) a g e 1 | 44 By email to The Planning Inspectorate Major Casework 3rd Floor Temple Quay House 2 The Square Templ...
Glossary Proposed Submission FINAL 2020 (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Glossary November 2020 West Berkshire Local Plan Minerals and Waste Local Plan Glossary November 2020 West Berkshir...
CD10.1 - LPA Closing Submissions (Adobe pdf files) REFS: APP/W0340/W/24/3346878 (Appeal A) and APP/W0340/C/24/3351139 (Appeal B) Land to the south of Brimpton Lane, Brimpton Common RG7 4RS (Appeal A) Land...
CD11.20 - WBC Suggested Conditions (May 2024) (Adobe pdf files) Conditions Notwithstanding the Local Planning Authority’s case the following conditions are suggested for discussion. 1. Commencement of Development The d...
CD28.1 - WBC Suggested Conditions (May 2024) (Adobe pdf files) Conditions Notwithstanding the Local Planning Authority’s case the following conditions are suggested for discussion. 1. Commencement of Development The d...
Hermitage NDP Decision Statement (April 2024) (Adobe pdf files) BERKSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL HERMITAGE NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2022-2039 DECISION STATEMENT Published pursuant to the Section 38A(9) of the Planning a...
Thatcham Strategic Growth Study Stage 3 - Thatcham Future (Adobe pdf files) STRATEGIC GROWTH STUDY Stage 3 Report: Thatcham Future September 2020 Prepared on behalf of West Berkshire Council by David Lock Associates and Stantec...
Thatcham Strategic Growth Study Stage 3 Appendices (Adobe pdf files) STRATEGIC GROWTH STUDY Stage 3 Report: Thatcham Future September 2020 Prepared on behalf of West Berkshire Council by David Lock Associates and Stantec...
Hermitage NDP Decision Statement (February 2024) (Adobe pdf files) BERKSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL HERMITAGE NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2022-2039 POST-EXAMINATION DECISION STATEMENT February 2024 Regulation 18 of the Neighb...