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Executive Director - Children and Family Services details for our Executive Director for Children and Family Services, including services in Children and Families, and Education.
West Berkshire Town Parish Climate Forum Climate Forum is specifically for town and parish councils to attend.
Report an Emergency Happening Now to contact us during and outside of office hours, as well as other organisations to contact in different emergencies.
Charging schedule, rates, instalments and paying Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule, charging rates (including indexation), instalment policy and how to pay.
Parking Charges charges in council car parks and on-street areas
Conservation Area Appraisals (CAA) on how we define the special architectural and historical character of an area.
Trimming Vegetation the Highway Authority, we are required to keep the highway free from obstructions, such as vegetation. Currently, we aim to remove any obstructions caused by...
Newbury Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal (Adobe pdf files) Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal
Domestic Abuse and support for those experiencing domestic abuse.
Heatwave Checklist (Adobe pdf files) the Heat: Heatwaves in the UK Heatwave checklist Before a heatwave During a heatwave Keep informed, Stay cool, Keep your Watch out and stay alert keep w...