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Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Plan decision notice (Adobe pdf files) MORTIMER NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN DECISION NOTICE Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Plan decision notice Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Plan decision no...
Berkshire Functional Economic Market Area Study (February 2016) (Adobe pdf files) Functional Economic Market Area Study Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership Final Report February 2016 Berkshire Functiona...
Christmas Giving - Go Green with our Green Machine old tech could be a life-saving piece of equipment helping vulnerable young people to access learning
Our Offer Offer - To Social Workers working in our Children and Family Service Competitive pay Social Worker up to £48,708 (including a market supplement of £6k) Seni...
Education Advice for Parents, Guardians and Carers of Children who have left Care through a Permanency Order (Adobe pdf files) Advice for Parents, Guardians and Carers of Children who have left Care through a Permanency Order
Statutory Guidance for the Virtual School - Feb 2018 (Adobe pdf files) SCHOOL STATUTORY GUIDANCE Statutory Guidance for the Virtual School - Feb 2018 Statutory Guidance for the Virtual School
A Request for Advice - Virtual School West Berkshire (Adobe pdf files) / CAO / AO Support West Berkshire’s Virtual School The Children and Social Work Act 2017 extended the role of the Virtual School to offer advice, informatio...
Housing Site Allocations DPD (Adobe pdf files) Site Allocations DPD (2006-2026) West Berkshire Council: Adopted May 2017 Housing Site Allocations DPD (2006-2026) West Berkshire Council: Adopted May 2...
South East England Biodiversity Opportunity Areas 2009 (Adobe pdf files) EAST ENGLAND BIODIVERSITY OPPORTUNITY AREAS 2009 BIODIVERSITY FORUM South East England Biodiversity Opportunity Areas 2009 South East England Biodiversity...
West of Berkshire Spatial Planning Framework (Adobe pdf files) OF BERKSHIRE SPATIAL PLANNING FRAMEWORK West of Berkshire Spatial Planning Framework West of Berkshire Spatial Planning Framework