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Virtual School request for advice 2024 (Documents) for advice from West Berkshire Virtual School Children Previously in Care | Children with a Social Worker | Children in Kinship Care Our extended duties...
Upcoming and recent elections in West Berkshire out about upcoming and recent elections in West Berkshire.
Apply for an In-year School Place for a school place outside of the normal admissions timescales
Applying for Secondary School Places out how to apply for a Year 7 secondary school place.
Shaw House - West Berkshire Register Office rooms are located at Shaw House, a 16 th century building with an abundance of character and set in beautiful grounds. We have three rooms available. Regis...
Autism: Sources of Help and Support about diagnosis, sources of support and links to further advice
Information for adults living with an Autism Spectrum Condition in West Berkshire (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Autism Partnership Board Information for adults living with an Autism Spectrum Condition in West Berkshire Contents Introduction ...................
Autism & ADHD Support Services (Adobe pdf files) MASDAS ASD and ADHD Websites Autism Berkshire | ``` West Berkshire Autism Team Provides useful information on autism for parents and th...
All age autism strategy - research survey results 2023 (Adobe pdf files) Survey 2023 Results Autism Survey 2023 Results We are currently reviewing our Adult Autism Strategy and Action Plan 2019-2022. We want our revised strate...
HECZ CHCAS (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone CHCAS Curridge, Hermitage, Cold Ash Settlements Historic Character This is a zone of recent and historic settlement with som...