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Shared ownership about part-rent/part-buy shared ownership schemes, eligibility and how to find providers.
What do we do with your data in Adult Social Care (Adobe pdf files) do we do with your data? Well, the short answer is... We collect information to help us to arrange your care We only share your information with organisati...
Safeguarding Adults Easy Read Leaflet (Adobe pdf files) Adults From Abuse This leaflet explains what adult abuse is and what you can do if you think you are being abused. Working in partnership with This...
Information About Dementia people in West Berkshire living with dementia.
Spring examination for the Local Plan Review Public Examination of the Local Plan Review will be taking place this Spring. The Local Plan sets out planning policies for the district - setting out how t...
Want to get active, but need help to get started? you're new to running or walking or just out of practice we're here to help. Running RunTogether offers free running groups especially for beginners to hel...
Services we are proud of
Let's Get Active Fund! Grants to Build Active Communities Let's Get Active Fund is back - with another £40,000 available to improve access to physical activities in West Berkshire. Open to applications from individ...
Community Kitchen Garden you want to learn more about gardening, enjoy being outdoors or have skills to share, why not pop along to our Community Kitchen Garden sessions? Shaw House ...
Sharing is Caring you share your home and life with someone who needs care and wants to be part of a family? You could become a Shared Lives Carer. Meet Ann and Jamie. Jami...