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CD22.25 - F15 Otter and Water Vole Survey (Adobe pdf files) creative minds safe hands Sandleford Park, Newbury Appendix F15: Otter and Water Vole Survey Report Bloor Homes & The Sandleford Farm Partnership Fe...
CD22.42 - G7 LGIDMP (Adobe pdf files) Park, Newbury ES Appendix G7 - LGIDMP Page G7-1 APPENDIX G7: LANDSCAPE AND GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT PLAN 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpo...
CD22.44 - G9 Heritage and Landscape Assessment (Adobe pdf files) Park, Newbury ES Appendix G9 - Heritage and Landscape Assessment of the Proposed Country Park Page G9-1 APPENDIX G9: HERITAGE AND LANDSCAPE ASSESSMEN...
CD7.1 - Draft Unilateral Undertaking submitted 21st April 2021 (Adobe pdf files) Word - Sandleford Park Draft s106 UU GWLG Amends 23.4.21 Draft 23 April 2021 2112295/TAW1 Dated 2021 (1) (2) (3) (4) SECTION 106 UNILATERAL UNDERTAKIN...
CD12.6 SNTS Appendix A to PoE (Adobe pdf files) of nearby development on ancient woodland – addendum Luci Ryan The Woodland Trust December 2012 Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction 3. Methodo...
CD17.18 Impacts of Nearby Development on the Ecology of Ancient Woodland Addendum (Adobe pdf files) of nearby development on ancient woodland – addendum Luci Ryan The Woodland Trust December 2012 Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction 3. Methodo...
West Berkshire Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022-2023 (Adobe pdf files) Word - West Berkshire Infrastructure Funding Statment 2022-23_Finalised Version West Berkshire Council Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement for Com...
Settlement Boundary Review Background Paper (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Local Plan Review to 2039 Settlement Boundary Review (SBR) December 2022 Background 1. As part of our Local Plan Review (LPR), we have undertaken...
Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) village halls and community buildings grant scheme: eligibility and guidance information and guidance for the Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) Village Halls and Community Buildings Grant Scheme.
CD1650~1 (Adobe pdf files) of Appeal Judgment Template Neutral Citation Number: [2016] EWCA Civ 441 Case No: C1/2015/2559 IN THE COURT OF APPEAL (CIVIL DIVISION) ON APPEAL FROM THE ...