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Search results
Overseas conflict are a number of conflicts overseas which may be feeling close to home for children and families who have strong connections with the countries involved.
Therapeutic Thinking Support Team Therapeutic Thinking Support Team (TTST) recognise that if we want to change a child's behaviour in school we must first change the way they feel by providi...
Calcot Infant and Junior Schools (Pilot Scheme) start date: 2022-09-30 Consultation end date: 2022-09-30 Results: 2022-11-30 This consultation is now closed - you can see the results published...
West Berkshire Lottery out about our West Berkshire Lottery, helping good causes in the area.
Planning application process overview of the planning application process, including what to do before you apply, how we consider an application and links to further information.
Spend on Corporate Procurement Cards figures on the amount spent on corporate procurement cards
Rambling Rose Appeal Documents
Negotiation and amendments during a planning application about negotiations and amendments that can happen whilst a planning application is being considered.
Public Rights of Way - Legal Order Priority Case List order cases prioritised for investigation this year
Statement of Accounts and Audit Berkshire Council's Statement of Accounts and related audit documents.