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CD3.20 - West Berkshire Landscape Character Assessment August 2019 (Adobe pdf files) - West Berkshire Landscape Character Assessment August 2019
CD3.19 - National Character Area 129 Thames Basin Heaths (Adobe pdf files) - National Character Area 129 Thames Basin Heaths
Proposed Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools 2026/27 on our proposed changes.
Waste and Recycling Collection Updates on the status of our recycling, food and garden waste and black bin collection services.
Newbury Eight Bells Arcade Car Park reported problems
Local offer: childcare and short breaks children benefit from opportunities to take part in activities outside the home. They can mix with other children, develop their social skills, and independ...
CD3.22 - WB Local Plan Review 2022-2039 Proposed Submission (Reg19) (Adobe pdf files) BERKSHIRE LOCAL PLAN REVIEW 2022-2039 Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) Representations by plan order Representations by plan order 1 Introduction and Ba...
CD3.23 - Green Belt Protection and Intentional Unauthorised Developement Dec 2015 (Adobe pdf files), 2:18 PM Written statements - Written questions, answers and statements - UK Parliament Written questions, answers and statements UK Parliament Busin...
CD6.3 - Chapman vs UK (2001) 33 E.H.R.R. 18 (Adobe pdf files) – Chapman vs UK (2001) 33 EHRR 18
Draft Local Transport Plan (LTP4) Strategy 2024-2039 your say on our draft priorities and objectives