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Report a problem on a road or pavement a variety of problems relating to roads including potholes, streetlights and grass or trees that need cutting. For specific emergencies outside of our no...
Appellant – Appeal Statement (Adobe pdf files) NOTICE APPEAL STATEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE APPELLANT MRS B BROWN IN RESPECT OF LAKE HOUSE, WEST WOODHAY, RG20 0BU Enforcement Appeal : APP/W0340/C/24/...
Highway projects, improvements and development about development control (including pre-planning advice, street/house naming and numbering), highway improvement schemes and projects, including ac...
Highway records and searches to find information on adopted roads, rights of way and traffic schemes and making highway search enquiries.
Local Plan Review Regulation 19 Consultation - Responses in Representor Order (D) responses received from each individual / organisation (arranged in alphabetical order) are available to view below. Please note that personal information h...
Local Plan Review Regulation 19 Consultation - Responses in Representor Order (C) responses received from each individual / organisation (arranged in alphabetical order) are available to view below. Please note that personal information h...
West Berkshire Local Plan Review Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) Consultation on the proposed submission (Regulation 19) version of the Local Plan Review ended at 4.30pm on Friday 3 March 2023.
Cycleway and footway improvement schemes us create better spaces for cycling and walking by giving us your views.
Active travel and improvements to encourage and enable more walking, wheeling and cycling.
2024-25 Qtr 2 (Jul-Sep) Corporate Procurement Card Spending (Excel documents) QTR 2 (JUL-SEP) CORPORATE PROCUREMENT CARD SPENDING 2024-25 Qtr 2 (Jul-Sep) Corporate Procurement Card Spending 2024-25 Qtr 2 (Jul-Sep) Corporate Procur...