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Trinity Summer HAF Programme (Adobe pdf files) Humans ClubStrong Humans Club “It is our guiding principle that student achievement is at the heart of all we do” Personal Excellence and Collective Resp...
PSPO at Speen Lodge - Draft Discharge Order (Adobe pdf files) ORDER West Berkshire District Council The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 The West Berkshire District Council (Speen Lodge Court, Speen...
Stockcross Active Travel Path - scheme location map (July 2023) (Adobe pdf files) Word - 2023-07-12 Information Letter - Stockcross Path - Rev 0 KEY Alignment for Stockcross Active Travel Path (Stockcross to A4) NOT TO SCALE
Berkshire (including South Bucks) Strategic Housing Market Assessment (GL Hearn, 2016) (Adobe pdf files) (including South Bucks) Strategic Housing Market Assessment Berkshire Authorities and Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership Final Repor...
Guidelines for Ecological Report Writing, 2nd ed (Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, 2017) (Adobe pdf files) FOR ECOLOGICAL REPORT WRITING Second Edition December 2017 Contents 1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................
West Berkshire Density Pattern Book (David Lock Associates, 2019) (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Density Pattern Book Pattern Book Guidance and Methodology Report September 2019 (Revision A) West Berkshire Density Pattern Book (Rev A) | 3 Int...
Hermitage Footpaths, Bridleways & Byways (Hermitage Parish Council, 2014) (Adobe pdf files) THE COUNTRY CODE Be safe—plan ahead and follow any signs. Leave gates and property as you find them. Protect plants and animals and take your litter home...
Non-statutory Technical Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems (DEFRA, 2015) (Adobe pdf files) Drainage Systems: Non-statutory technical standards for sustainable drainage systems Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Sustainable ...
2004241-SK03 - General Arrangement and Key Details (Adobe pdf files) 0 . 3 0 m 0 . 3 0 m 78.00 78.00 DIRECTION OF FLOW PROPOSED GROUND LEVEL 79.20mAOD 5.00m PROPOSED COVER LEVEL 79.20mAOD PROPOSED COVER LEVEL 78.90mA...
2004241-SK01 - General Arrangement (Adobe pdf files) 77.47 77.57 77.67 77.80 77.99 77.88 77.81 77.76 77.53 77.50 77.42 77.33 77.41 77.38 77.51 77.4477.3877.50 77.54 77.59 77.58 77.60 77.57 77.69 77.63...