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HECA CHD - Combe High Downs (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Area CHD Combe High Downs Topography, Geology and Soils This is an isolated area of high downs, broadly coinciding with Combe par...
HECA T - Thatcham (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Area T Thatcham Topography, Geology and Soils This area is defined by the built-up extent of Thatcham and covers the lower part o...
HECA IF - Inkpen Fields (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Area IF Inkpen Fields Topography, Geology and Soils This is an area of undulating plains sloping gently upward towards the foot o...
HECA SWH - Stockcross Wickham Heath (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECA, SWH HECA SWH - Stockcross Wickham Heath Historic Environment Character Area Document ArchaeologyArchae...
Historic Newbury - Fit for the Future (Adobe pdf files), HISTORY, CHARACTERISATION, NEWBURY, PLANNING Historic Newbury - Fit for the Future The West Berkshire Archaeology Team's report of the Newbury Hist...
Heritage in West Berkshire Report (Adobe pdf files), WEST BERKSHIRE, REPORT, ARCHAEOLOGY, MUSEUM, SHAW HOUSE, LOCAL HISTORY, FIELDWORK Heritage in West Berkshire Report A compilation of information about...
The West Berkshire HEAP (Adobe pdf files), PLAN, HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT, HEAP, WEST BERKSHIRE HERITAGE FORUM The West Berkshire HEAP The 2011 Historic Environment Action Plan for West Berkshir...
Newbury Historic Character Study - Part 1 (Adobe pdf files), HISTORY, NEWBURY, CHARACTERISATION Newbury Historic Character Study - Part 1 Oxford Archaeology's Assessment report - Front cover, Contents Page, S...
Newbury Historic Character Study - Part 2 (Adobe pdf files), HISTORY, NEWBURY, CHARACTERISATION Newbury Historic Character Study - Part 2 Oxford Archaeology's Assessment Report - Figures 1-6 Heritage NewburyC...
Newbury Historic Character Study - Part 4 (Adobe pdf files) 1: HUCA 1: St Bartholomew's - St Bartholomew's Almshouses Plate 2: HUCA 3: Newtown Road - Porchester Road housing Plates 1 - 2 Servergo:/oaupubs1_IthruQ*N...