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Search results
Parks, Playgrounds and Open Spaces on our award-winning parks and open spaces
Respect our Parks and Open Spaces out more about our Respect Our Parks and Open Spaces campaign that was launched in June 2021
Northcroft and Goldwell Parks, Newbury on attractions and facilities found in the adjoining Northcroft and Goldwell Parks in Newbury
Holybrook Linear Park, Calcot on attractions and facilities found in Holybrook Linear Park, Calcot
Parks and Countryside Maintenance and Management and services relating to the maintenance and management of West Berkshire parks and countryside
Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP) our rights of way network and general access
Trees or Woodland Protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) if a tree is protected and find out how to apply for permission to carry out works
Trees in Conservation Areas to check if trees are in a conservation area and getting permission to carry out works
Hedges and Hedgerows to report a overgrown hedge or hedgerow and who is responsible
Public Rights of Way Berkshire Council manages around 740 miles of Public Rights of Way (PROW), so that local people and visitors can enjoy the countryside of West Berkshire. Y...