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Off-street electric vehicle charging for residents to charge your vehicle when off-street parking is unavailable.
Family history and newspaper archives family and local history with our genealogical resources and historical newspapers
Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) village halls and community buildings grant scheme: eligibility and guidance information and guidance for the Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) Village Halls and Community Buildings Grant Scheme.
Village hall and community building grant available in 2024/25 to assist with energy efficiency projects relating to village halls and other community buildings.
General research and homework help, dictionaries and other reference resources to help with study
Library fees and charges fees, fines for overdue items and other paid-for services
Find your Council Tax account reference can find your Council Tax account reference in the top right hand of the first page of a Council Tax bill.
Emergency contraception in West Berkshire about free emergency contraception, as well as the locations of pharmacies in West Berkshire that provide it.
Business Rates Appeals against the rateable value of your property.
About the Phoenix Resource Centre purpose-built resource centre providing services for adults with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and for those with frailty and dementia.