Physical Activity and Weight Management

There are lots of ways to be more physically active in our district. For more information on the activities listed please visit the pages and links below:

2. PH Physical

Wellbeing Walks (formerly Walking for Health)

Ramblers Wellbeing Walks is England's largest network of health walk schemes, helping people across the country to lead a more active lifestyle.

Running in West Berkshire (Run Together)

Find out more about Run Together, a free running groups especially for beginners in West Berkshire.

Exercise Referral ( formerly Activity for Health)

A programme of exercise, available on referral by your health professional, at Everyone Active Centres.

Cycle Training (Bikeability)

Find out about free cycle training at various locations across the district from the transport team

Ageing Well with Ever Active

​​​​​​​Keeping active as we age is important for our mental and physical wellbeing. Find out more about the programme of activities on offer for older and disabled adults in West Berkshire.

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