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Pay your Council Tax

Find out how to pay your council tax by Direct Debit, online, in person, by cheque, phone, standing order or PayPoint, or how to change your instalments:

Direct Debit

Setting up a Direct Debit is a quick, easy and convenient way to pay your Council Tax. You will need your Council Tax account reference and your bank account details.

Set up a Direct Debit

Once you have set up a Direct Debit, this will continue to apply until you cancel it - you do not need to set up a new one every Council Tax year.

You can also sign up for a My Council Tax account to manage your Direct Debit details online, as well as:

  • view your up-to-date account information
  • check your balance, payments and bills
  • update your contact details
  • switch to paperless or e-billing

If you're having trouble using My Council Tax, please contact the Council Tax team.



You can pay each instalment (and other West Berkshire Council bills) using our online payment system:

Pay your Council Tax online



In person

Council staff cannot accept cash or card payments in person at the Council Offices, but we can receive cheques.

Please use another option in order to make a payment by cash or debit/credit card.



Cheques should be made payable to West Berkshire Council. You can post your cheque or drop it off in person at our Market Street Office. In both instances, you should include details of the Council Tax account reference that you are paying along with your cheque.

Please do not send cash in the post. Council staff cannot accept cash or card payments in person at the Council Offices.



You can pay using our automated telephone line: 01635 017381. This is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You will need to have available full details of the card you wish to make payment with and your Council Tax account reference from the front of your bill.


Bank Standing Order

You can ask your bank to make regular payments to us, although we would prefer you to use Direct Debit. Our bank details are:

  • Bank: National Westminster
  • Sort Code: 57 10 28
  • Account Number: 00000000 
  • Payee: West Berkshire Council

You must also quote your Council Tax account reference from the front of your bill in the 'reference' box of the instruction.

If your instalments change you will need to amend your standing order. This will happen each year.



You can now pay at Post Offices or shops displaying the PayPoint sign using the barcode on your bill. Please keep your receipt as proof of payment.

You can pay by cash or card at all PayPoints and at Post Offices; you may also pay by cheque.



The yearly Council Tax amount due is calculated over either 10 or 12 monthly instalments, with 10 being the default (there are no 'free' months).

All Council Tax payers have a right to make payment by 12 monthly instalments rather than 10. 

You can opt to pay over 12 months by contacting the Council Tax team. We will then update our records to prevent issuing any unnecessary reminder notices to you.

We are required to give you notice of the date and amount of instalments due. This may mean that we have to vary the dates from those on which you normally pay.


If you're having trouble paying your council tax, please visit our Problems Paying Your Council Tax page.

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