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Lambourn Neighbourhood Plan

Development of a Neighbourhood Plan for Lambourn

Consultation on the draft neighbourhood plan for Lambourn (Regulation 14 pre-submission consultation)

On Friday 6 September 2024, Lambourn Parish Council will publish the first draft of their neighbourhood plan, also known as a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for consultation. The consultation (known as the Regulation 14 consultation) will close on Friday 18 October 2024.

You can find further details about the consultation on Lambourn Parish Council's website which can be accessed here. Background information on the NDP is available on the Parish Council's website here.

Please note that this consultation is the responsibility of Lambourn Parish Council and not West Berkshire District Council. Any queries or consultation responses should be directed to:

Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment

West Berkshire Council has undertaken screening for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). The screening report can be read Icon for pdf here [1MB] and the decision notice Icon for pdf here [123KB]

SEA is required for all plans which may have a significant effect on the environment. A SEA aims to protect the environment at a high level, and ensures the environment is considered during the preparation of plans. This promotes sustainable development.

Not all neighbourhood plans will require a SEA to be carried out. To decide if a SEA is required, a screening exercise is used to look at proposals in an emerging neighbourhood plan, and see if a significant effect is likely.

A HRA is required to determine if a neighbourhood plan would have a significant impact upon the integrity of nature conservation sites of international importance, such as Ramsar Sites, Special Areas of Conservation, and Special Protection Areas. If a plan is likely to result in significant impacts, then an assessment referred to as an Appropriate Assessment must be undertaken.

Neighbourhood Area Designation

A Neighbourhood Area for the Parish of Lambourn was designated on 7 December 2018; you can Icon for pdf view the Designation Notice online, here [1MB] . This is the first formal stage in the preparation of a neighbourhood plan.

In order to prepare a neighbourhood plan, town or parish councils must notify West Berkshire Council of their intention to designate a neighbourhood area. You can read the Icon for pdf Lambourn Neighbourhood Area application form [419KB] .

Lambourn Parish Council have set up a website containing more information about their forthcoming neighbourhood plan.

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