Community Support and Events
Cost of Living
Find different types of support available if you are struggling with rising living costs and are concerned about paying your household bills.
Armed Forces in West Berkshire
Find out about support available to serving personnel, veterans and their families in West Berkshire, including the Royal County of Berkshire Civilian Military Partnership Board and Armed Forces Covenant and Armed Forces Day.
Cheaper Household Energy Bills with the West Berkshire Energy Switch
Sign up to see if you can save money on your energy bills with the West Berkshire Energy Switch.
West Berkshire Lottery
Find out about our West Berkshire Lottery, helping good causes in the area.
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme
Information about the HAF programme for 2024/25, as well as videos from our 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 programme.
West Berkshire Community Municipal Investment (CMI)
Investing in a greener future for West Berkshire.
Emergency Planning
Information about planning for emergencies and our emergency contact details (during and outside of office hours).