Bus Services for Days Out in West Berkshire
West Berkshire is a wonderful place to explore by bus.
It is characterised by market towns, beautiful villages and exceptional countryside. The district can boast that 74% of its area falls within the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
So why not take one of our bus services to explore the district?
- Travelling by bus can be more fun and less stressful than taking the car. Let the bus take the strain. It also contributes towards greener travel. Passengers transferring from car to bus can help reduce emission levels and congestion.
- Relax on your journey. Enjoy the sights. Catch up on your reading.
- Keep costs down. Choose from a range of ticket options to get the best price. These include a Group Ticket which allows four people of any age to travel together on one keenly priced ticket. Those with the National Concessionary Bus Pass travel free on buses in West Berkshire - Monday to Friday after 0930 and any time over the weekends.
- Whether you buy your ticket or travel free with the National Concessionary Bus Pass, know that you are contributing towards the sustainability of the bus service.
- Stay Fit. The walk to the bus stop contributes to your daily exercise and fresh air.
There are many bus services in West Berkshire that can give you a good day out. Below we look at some of these.
Full bus timetables and routes of the services can be seen using the link below.
If you spot any information that needs correcting or updating please contact the Transport Services Team.
Transport Services Team - West Berkshire Council
Email - Transport@westberks.gov.uk / Tel - 01635 551111

The Newbury & District 3 Service - Newbury to Hungerford
This service, operated under contract to West Berkshire Council, runs through beautiful countryside and villages.

The Newbury & District 4 Service - Newbury to Lambourn
This service, operated under contract to West Berkshire Council, runs Monday to Saturday approximately every two hours from early morning to early evening.

The jet black 1 Service - Newbury to Reading
This Monday to Sunday service is operated by Reading Buses. Monday to Saturday service is every 30 minutes and the Sunday service is hourly.

West Berkshire Community Connect - Newbury to the Northwest Downlands
This Monday to Friday bus service is a bit different. It is an on-demand service. You must pre book your seat on this service.